Share Lawyers Launches Its ‘LIFE reBUILDER™’ Program
TORONTO – June 30, 2021 – After almost a year of testing, the law firm Share Lawyers, which focuses exclusively on disability insurance litigation, has released its one-of-a-kind Life reBUILDER™ program. The program is designed to reduce the emotional and physical stress clients can experience during the litigation process of disputing an insurance company’s denial of a long term disability claim. As President and Managing Director David Share explains: “We find that as our clients are dealing with their disability insurance company and also fighting for their health, all their energy goes into coping with those issues. Their inner strength can get sapped very quickly. We want to provide the resources and services to help them with every step of their lives and help to restore their health.”
Life reBUILDER. Your Life Rebuilt.
Life reBUILDER™ is unique in that every client has a team of three lawyers working on their case: two litigation lawyers and one client service lawyer in house, who is available to answer questions and support the client through the process. No other firm does that. This is a huge asset to clients, because each long term disability case has special considerations that require attention. The Share Lawyers legal team works in partnership with the client to manage the nuanced details of their case, and keeps the client informed each step of the way.
Further good news for the client is Share Lawyers’ policy of “Free Consult & No Fees Unless You Win”, which ensures that clients are charged only if the firm recovers money for them.
Life reBUILDER™ provides links to several other services, designed to help clients rebuild their lives and get back on track – whether it’s dealing with immediate financial issues, assistance with day-to-day activities, preparation for the future, or access to a medical professional network. All of these services and resources are available online, so no travel is required, especially important for clients dealing with disabilities.
Life reBUILDER™ is a critical feature of Share Lawyers’ core service. As David Share puts it, “We want our clients coming out of the litigation experience to feel that we were with them every step of the way.”
About Share Lawyers – Canada’s Leading Disability Insurance Lawyers
Based in Toronto, Share Lawyers serves clients in 11 locations across Canada. Co-founders David Share, President, and Wendy Share, Executive Director, lead a committed staff of over 30 legal and administrative professionals. Together, they have successfully managed thousands of long-term disability insurance claims over the past three decades.
About David Share – President/Managing Director/Co-founder
Practicing law since 1985, David is a member of both the Ontario and the New York Bars; and has spoken at many conferences. David is an Adjunct Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School and an active member of many associations, including the Law Society of Upper Canada, The Advocates’ Society, The Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and the American Association of Justice.
Call Share Lawyers to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your individual needs:
Canada Tel: 226-210-7196
Toll Free: 1-866-932-0243
Visit our site to book a free consultation about your case with one of our knowledgeable legal specialists:
View our video about Life Rebuilder at
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Media Contact
Company Name: Share Lawyers
Contact Person: Wendy Share (Managing Director)
Email: Send Email
Phone: 1-866-932-0243
Address:3442 Yonge St
City: Toronto
State: Ontario M4N 2M9
Country: Canada